Wood Prints - Wall

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Wood Prints - Wall
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Our wall wood prints are printed on 12mm Birch Plywood. Perfect for the home or the office and a great alternative to decorate to your home with your favourite photographs!

When you want something beautiful, and utterly unique, our wall wood prints have you covered.

Printed directly onto Birch Plywood your images will have a texture no other medium can emulate - especially as ‘white’ does not print, leaving exposed wood grain.

This also adds another level of uniqueness as no two images will bear the same texture of woodgrain as the other.

Choose our white background option to apply a white, still slightly opaque base before printing your image to lessen the woodgrain effect.

Finally, complete your one of a kind artwork with a glossy finish for a shiny look.


Customise with your special photos.

Your personal touch

Easily personalise your woodprint using our predesigned layouts.

A Substrate Like No Other

We add tape to protect your walls from any possible effects of the staples caused by accidental knocking!

Velcro Strips – Optional

Should you need to move your wood print, Velcro strips come off clean without leaving a trace!

Finishing Touch

Professional Look And Feel.

Premium Print – White Background.

Premium Print – White Background - Glossy

Stunning effect of the wood grain!